Can someone reach success or riches through magic or marriage? That's an interesting question. It really depends on what you classify "Magic" as. By "Magic" I could see it being defined as being in the right place at the right time, where you meet the right person who gives you the right opportunity to succeed. Like take a musician for example that makes it big in the music record business. Before they may have been in "Rags" or selling almost no albums. But maybe by, well ,not nessecarily "magic" but more like a stroke of luck, they happened to be in the right place, at the right time, and met a record dealer who liked what they heard, and helped make them big. For that musician, I guess the stroke of luck might seem like "magic". So it could wourk in that context, I guess.
Marriage yes, could definitley help someone reach success, riches and or fame. Look at all those famous celebrities, who get married several times. Those spouses, for however long they stayed married to the celebrity, certainly became "successful" if not rich, just by marrying the celebrities alone.
I would certainly hope that that's not the only method people use to become rich or successful. I would also certainly hope becoming rich and succesful is not the only goal poeple have in life. While yes "marriage" would be realistic method to "rising up" I would certainly hope that people don't pin their future on that rare concept. In other cultures and countries around the world , arranged marriages to people with greater income, are one of the few ways anyone reaches success. But . . . for this question, assuming that we aren't looking at other cultures, but at America. I'd say no it's not realistic. In America, when I see in the news about how some celebrity got married again. . . or read about a 20-something year-old trophy wife just got married to a 65 year old billionare; my skin begins to crawl. All I can think of is, how shallow can you get? I mean, maybe they do truly love each other, but assuming that they married for money, I . . .lose respect for them.In other countries, especially third world countries, it's different; their culture's teach children to work very hard, early on in childhood. They don't always have all the wonderful freedom, and material objects we do, third world countries have people dying from starvation. Marrying "rich" for them is a way of survival. In other cultures and countries, you are disowned, stoned to death, etc. if you do not marry who is arranged for you. They don't always get to marry for love.
When I look at people that marry celebrities, or bilionaires, I get disgusted because I don't see the marriage as a way of survival, or due to lack of freedom in choosing a spouse, I see it as just another shallow, selfish way for them to indulge themselves in material wealth and finery to be "happy." We get the choice to marry for love, we are very very fortunate for that. We have material wealth, and we have people dying from too much food. and then to suddenly see how someone married a billionare or socialite, or celebrity, makes me so mad.
There are plently of ways to get successful and rich, Their are plenty of "cinderella's" that make their success through sheer work alone, and are perfectly content with very little money. I think bieng a "cinderella" and doing grunt work is needed. Now, I will admit, I've had my fair share of complaining when mom and dad used to have me do chores. But realistically, any chores I've done are cakewalks, compared to little children who walk for miles to a stream with a bucket to get water, or do laundry. I'm so lucky. But sometimes I can't help but wonder if they are the luckier ones. In having little material wise, I imagine they place value and sucess in their relationships with others. Their hard work teaches them not to take anything or anyone for granted, and to truly appreciate the life that they are given. I can only imagine how much character they've built. Something I can only admire and imagine. That strength and gratefulness they get to me from that hard work is far more valuable than material wealth, or success that "marriage" might get you. That strength they display to me is magic. |